Nanotechnology is associated with several areas (such as medicine, electronics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology and materials engineering) research and production at the nanoscale (atomic scale). The basic tenet of nanotechnology is the construction of structures and new materials from atoms (the building blocks of nature). It is a promising area, but that gives its infancy, but show amazing results (in the production of semiconductors, nanocomposites, Biomaterials, Chips, among others). Built in Japan, nanotechnology inventions seeks to innovate, improving them and providing a better life for man. One of the tools used for exploration of materials that range is oMicroscópio scanning electron microscope, the SEM. The main goal is not to arrive at a precise control of individual atoms, but creating stable structures with them.
[EDIT] The NM (NM)
Main article: NM Richard P. Feynman was the precursor to the concept of nanotechnology, although not using this term in his speech to the American Physical aSociedade on December 29, 1959, where he first presented his ideas on the subject. The word "nanotechnology" was first used by Professor Norio Taniguchi in 1974 to describe technologies that allow the construction of materials on a scale of 1 nm. To understand what this means, consider a beach of 1000 km long and one grain of sand of 1 mm, the grain is to this beach as one nanometer is to a meter. In some cases, elements of the periodic scale chemistry changes its state, getting up explosives at the nanoscale. Nanotechnology is the potential ability to create things from the smallest element, using the techniques and tools that are being developed today to place every atom and molecule in place. If we get this system of molecular engineering, the result is a new industrial revolution.Besides, it would also be important economic consequences, social, environmental and military. [EDIT] DECADE OF 80
Buckminsterfullerene C60, also known as fullerenes, is a representative member of the carbon structures known as fullerenes. Members of the fullerene family are a major topic of research that fall under the umbrella of nanotechnology. In 80 years, the concept of Nanotechnology by Eric Drexler was popularized by the book "Engines of Creation" (Engines of Creation). This book, although containing some speculation akin to science fiction was based on serious work by Drexler as a scientist. Drexler was the first scientist to receive a doctorate from MIT in nanotechnology. [EDIT] NANOTECHNOLOGY DREXLERIANA
Nanotechnology drexleriana is what is now called molecular nanotechnology, which involves building devices atom by atom useful to human life. The holy grail of nanotechnology is the drexleriana Universal Assembler, a device capable of, according to the instructions from a programmer to build atom by atom machine any conceivable by the human mind. Drexler has a long term vision of nanotechnology that provides the appearance of nano-devices that can ensure cell regeneration tissue regeneration and immortality. Although Eric Drexler is considered by many as the father of nanotechnology, its close approach of science fiction is viewed with suspicion by other scientists more interested in practical aspects of nanotechnology. Eric Drexler founded the Foresight Institute and has been dedicated to the dissemination and development of nanotechnology molecular renamed'''''''' [EDIT] APPROACHES
However nanotechnology has developed thanks to contributions from various research areas. There are currently three different approaches to nanotechnology: a top-down approach that involves the construction of devices for wear macroscopic materials, construction of devices that form spontaneously from molecular components, the material atom by atom. The first approach is the approach used in microelectronics to produce computer chips and more recently to produce clinical trial in miniature. The second approach uses the traditional techniques of chemistry and materials science. The third approach is that it will take longer to produce significant results because it requires a fine control of matter only possible through improved technology. [EDIT] USES MORE RADICAL
Other more radical uses of nanotechnology, would be its use in computer science, for example, nananofotonica in nanocrystals that would be created to enable a search capability in the thousands or tens of thousands of bits. [EDIT] MOLECULAR ASSEMBLER OR NANOMONTADOR
A molecular assembler or nanomontador (nano) is a nanotechnology-size machine capable of organizing very small atoms and molecules according to instructions. To do this task requires energy, supply raw material (building blocks) and scheduled to be executed by the assembler. A molecular assembler can act independently or in conjunction with several other molecular assemblers. And in this case be able to build macroscopic objects. This requires a system of communication between the assemblers and a system of organization that enable them to work together. There is the possibility of building a universal assembler. This would have the ability to construct any possible object, including another assembler. So this could replicate similarly to living beings. Once constructed the first editor he could play several times until the number required to perform a certain task, for example, the construction of several tons of a nanomaterial. This ability to reproduce is one of the great advantages of a molecular assembler and is also one of their biggest risks. An assembler can reproduce wildly and threatening lives similar to epidemics. A risk could be the colonization of the whole earth by molecular assemblers, extinguishing all life on earth. There would only remain in one's own body builders (probably) Gray called "greygoo.Drexler argues that this scenario is quite difficult since any living being able to reproduce known beyond the limit imposed by the amount of energy and raw materials available. Despite this, experts say it is necessary to take precautions because the risks to human health are not known. The construction of a molecular assembler is still far from occurring. Several problems persist as the difficulty of working with individual atoms needed to build the assembler. Moreover, it is difficult to model the behavior of complex objects at the nanometer scale that obey the quantum laws. [EDIT] POTENTIAL PROBLEMS
One possible problem is that nanopoluição nanomaterials is generated by or during the making of these. This type of pollution, consisting of nanoparticles that can be very dangerous since they easily float through the air traveling over long distances. Due to its small size, nanopoluentes can enter cells of humans, animals and plants. As most of these nanopoluentes not exist in nature, the cells probably will not have the appropriate means of dealing with them, causing damage not yet known. These nanopoluentes could accumulate in the food chain such as heavy metals and DDT. [EDIT] THE IMPORTANCE TO BRAZIL AND PORTUGAL
Image reconstruction in clean Gold (100) surface, as visualized using scanning tunneling microscopy. The positions of individual atoms that make up the surface are visible. Nanotechnology is extremely important to Brazil as well as for Portugal, because both the Portuguese and the Brazilian industry will have to compete internationally with new products to the economy of these countries to recover and resume economic growth. This competition will only be successful with innovative products and processes, which are comparable to the best industry to international offers. This means that the technological content of products offered by Brazilian and Portuguese industry will grow substantially in coming years and the workforce, mainly in Brazil, will receive a level of science education eTecnologia much higher than today. For that, there is investment being made in Portugal, in Braga, with the construction of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), a structure that will dedicate itself to research in this area and will have an annual investment 30 million euros. [1] [EDIT] PRODUCTS AND SERVICES THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY ON THE MARKET
A summary in publications that circulate on nanotechnology points to seguintesprodutos and services that were already on the market: Fabrics resistant to stains and does not wrinkle; Racquets and tennis balls; Coping glass and anti-erosion applications to metals; Sunscreen filters; Material for protection (screening) against ultraviolet rays; Topical treatment of herpes, and fungi; Nano-glue that can bring any material to another; Antibacterial Powder; Several medical applications such as catheters, heart valves, pacemakers, orthopedic implants; Preparations for cleaning toxic materials; Cosmetics; Filter systems for air and water. Microprocessors and electronics in general; Polishing of surfaces and surfaces with micro-nanotechnology without risks. [EDIT] PRODUCTS IN DEVELOPMENT
The simplest applications of nanotectologia are perhaps the most promising. The creation of the world's darker material, which absorbs more than 99.9% of all the light it receives [2] may enable a new level of utilization of solar radiation to generate electricity.Another promising area of nanotechnology development is the generation of electricity in thermocouple (Seebeck effect) semiconductor. Semiconductors are not suitable for a thermo electric power through the heat on the macroscopic scale. It is known, however, that semiconductor junctions can produce electricity through light received in photovoltaic cells and this effect is studied convert heat directly into electricity using semiconductors on the scale of nanotechnology. In the same vein we study a cool environment using thermocouples of nanotechnology in a similar effect (Peltier Effect)
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